IoT Hub
IoT Hub Documentation
SMS Provider Settings
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SMS Provider Settings

IoT Hub System Administrator is able to configure SMS provider that will be used to distribute SMS messages about alarms. This configuration step is required in production environments if you plan to use SMS messages.

Tenant administrator is able to setup sms rule node to distribute alarms produced by rule engine.

Following steps are required to configure system SMS provider settings.

  • Step 1. Login to IoT Hub UI as a system administrator. Open system settings.
  • Step 2. Open SMS provider settings and choose one of the available providers: AWS SNS or Twilio.
  • Step 3 (AWS SNS). Populate AWS Access Key ID and Secret access key if you have chosen AWS SNS. Click "Save" button.
  • Step 3 (Twilio). Populate Twilio account SID and Token. Specify phone number that will be used as a "sender". Click "Save" button.

Note: Please use AWS SNS or Twilio documentation to learn more how to use the corresponding system.